Concession Trailers For Sale
Custom built concession trailers for sale from a company that will build a quality concession trailer at competitive prices.
Concession Trailers custom built.
Having spent over 10 years in the vending truck industry, Superior Food Trucks knows what it takes to design and build superior concession trailers. They also know that different clients have different needs, every trailer we build is custom designed with our clients exact needs addressed.
Superior Food Trucks involves the customer in the design phase of the building process, customers are able to help create their own one-of-a-kind concession trailer. With a modern fabrication shop we are able to produce the highest quality concession trailers with low overhead as all machining, assembly and welding is handled in house, we outsource nothing in our builds passing the savings onto the customer. We will beat any competitor when it comes down to price and quality, contact us today for a consultation on your concession trailer build plans.
Call us now! 1-800 794-9511
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